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1. Install Metamask for Chrome


Go to Metamask (CLICK HERE) and install the Chrome extension. Follow their steps from the guide and finish the setup.


2. Send ETH to your Metamask Wallet


Once you have setup your Metamask wallet, you can now send Ethereum from any wallet or exchange like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken or KuCoin, etc..

uniswap-uni-logo (1).png

3. Go to Uniswap


Go to Uniswap @ UNISWAP.ORG. Now click the "Use Uniswap" button. When Metamask asks for your signature, click sign.


4. Swap your ETH for SHIBAGOLD


You can now swap your ETH for SHIBAGOLD. We recommend setting your slippage from 8-11% to ensure your transaction goes through smoothly. Next click the "Swap Button".  Wait for transaction to complete to become a SHIBAGOLD owner.


5. Add a Custom Token to your Wallet


After purchasing your SHIBAGOLD tokens they might not show in your wallet. To make your SHIBAGOLD balance visible in your wallet perform the following steps.


Open your Metamask wallet and scroll down until you see the button labeled "Add Token"
Select "Custom Token"

Paste the SHIBAGOLD contract address into the "Token Contract Address" field. All other fields will automatically be completed.


Copy/Past the official SHIBAGOLD contract number below:

PlaceHolder Here

In your metamask wallet scroll down to the button "Add Token"

Click "Next" then click "Add Token"
Congratulations you're now a SHIBA
GOLD holder!

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